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Madam Butterfly ENO

Last night was a night at the Coliseum, with the English National Opera and their revival of Anthony Minghella's staging and Puccini's beautiful music. I rarely cry at the theatre but was moved to tears in the third act. I am not sure if it was Puccini's stirring music, the beauty of the stage setting, the story of unrequited, patient love that compels a mother to kill herself in front of her blindfolded child or the combination that moved me. The production has met mixed reviews and the only way to really find out is to experience it yourself. However, I have to note that whilst ENO's future is in the balance and whilst I know opera is expensive, there were many unoccupied seats in the circle and stalls which are far too expensive. The upper gallery, on the other hand was rammed with a young audience @ £20. I wonder if there is any sense in lowering the prices slightly of the expensive seats to fill the auditorium rather than play to a half empty house? I am not a mathematician but someone out there must be able to do the maths.

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